Seirbheis teachdaiche 091 234-ELLA
Introducing the Verona (High Back) 4 Seater Corner Sofa – a perfect blend of style, comfort, and functionality. Designed to elevate your living space, this exquisite sofa is available in both Right Hand Facing and Left Hand Facing configurations, ensuring versatility to suit any room layout. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, the Verona sofa offers a luxurious seating experience for you and your guests.
Key Features:
High Back Design: The Verona sofa boasts a high back design that not only provides excellent lumbar support but also adds a touch of elegance to your living room. Sink into the plush cushions and experience ultimate relaxation after a long day.
Spacious 4-Seater Configuration: This corner sofa is generously sized to accommodate up to four individuals comfortably. Whether you're entertaining guests or enjoying a movie night with the family, the Verona sofa offers ample space for everyone.
Versatile Configuration Options: Choose between Right Hand Facing and Left Hand Facing configurations to seamlessly integrate the sofa into your existing room layout. This flexibility ensures that the Verona sofa can adapt to various spatial requirements.
Premium Upholstery: Available in two sophisticated colors – Black and Grey – the Verona sofa is upholstered in high-quality fabric that not only feels soft to the touch but is also durable and easy to clean. The neutral tones effortlessly complement any interior design style.
Sturdy Construction: The Verona sofa is built to last, featuring a sturdy frame and robust construction. The quality craftsmanship ensures longevity, making it a worthwhile investment for your home.
Contemporary Design: The sleek and modern design of the Verona sofa adds a contemporary flair to your living space. Its clean lines and subtle details make it a stylish focal point that enhances the overall aesthetic of your room.
Pillows and Accessories: Included with the sofa are coordinating throw pillows that not only enhance comfort but also contribute to the overall visual appeal. These accessories are thoughtfully designed to complement the sofa's color and style.
Assembly and Care: The Verona sofa is delivered with easy-to-follow assembly instructions, making the setup process hassle-free. Additionally, the low-maintenance upholstery ensures that the sofa retains its pristine appearance with minimal effort.
Seat depth | 60 centimetres |
Seat height | 44 Centimetres |
Weight limit | 400 Kilograms |
Product dimensions | 0.9D x 2.4W x 0.8H metres |
Upgrade your living room with the Verona (High Back) 4 Seater Corner Sofa – a perfect combination of comfort, style, and versatility. Choose the configuration and color that suits your taste, and indulge in the luxury of a sophisticated seating experience.
Faodaidh tu a’ mhòr-chuid de stuthan ùra gun fhosgladh a thilleadh taobh a-staigh 30 latha bho lìbhrigeadh airson làn-aisig air ais. Pàighidh sinn cuideachd na cosgaisean luingeis tilleadh ma tha an tilleadh mar thoradh air ar mearachd (fhuair thu rud ceàrr no uireasbhuidh, msaa).
Bu chòir dhut a bhith an dùil an ath-dhìoladh agad fhaighinn taobh a-staigh ceithir seachdainean bho bhith a’ toirt do phacaid don t-seoladair tilleadh, ge-tà, ann an iomadh cùis gheibh thu airgead air ais nas luaithe. Tha an ùine seo a’ toirt a-steach an ùine gluasaid airson gum faigh sinn do thilleadh bhon luingear (5 gu 10 latha gnìomhachais), an ùine a bheir e dhuinn do thilleadh a phròiseasadh aon uair ‘s gum faigh sinn e (3 gu 5 latha gnìomhachais), agus an ùine a bheir e. am banca agad gus an t-iarrtas ath-dhìoladh againn a phròiseasadh (5 gu 10 latha gnìomhachais).
Ma dh’ fheumas tu rud a thilleadh, dìreach log a-steach don chunntas agad, faic an òrdugh a’ cleachdadh a’ cheangail “Complete Orders” fo chlàr Mo Chunntas agus cliog air a’ phutan Tilleadh Rud(an) . Cuiridh sinn fios thugad tro phost-d mun ath-dhìoladh agad aon uair ‘s gu bheil sinn air an rud a thilleas fhaighinn agus a phròiseasadh.
Faodaidh sinn a chuir gu cha mhòr seòladh sam bith san t-saoghal. Thoir an aire gu bheil cuingealachaidhean air cuid de thoraidhean, agus chan urrainnear cuid de thoraidhean a chuir gu cinn-uidhe eadar-nàiseanta.
Nuair a chuireas tu òrdugh, bheir sinn tuairmse air cinn-latha luingeis is lìbhrigidh dhut stèidhichte air na tha ri fhaighinn de na stuthan agad agus na roghainnean luingeis a thaghas tu. A rèir an t-solaraiche luingeis a thaghas tu, faodaidh tuairmsean ceann-latha luingeis nochdadh air duilleag luachan luingeis.
Thoir an aire cuideachd gu bheil na h-ìrean luingeis airson mòran de stuthan a bhios sinn a’ reic stèidhichte air cuideam. Gheibhear cuideam rud sam bith mar sin air an duilleag mion-fhiosrachaidh aige. Gus poileasaidhean nan companaidhean luingeis a bhios sinn a’ cleachdadh a nochdadh, thèid a h-uile cuideam a thoirt suas chun ath not slàn.
Tapadh leibh airson fo-sgrìobhadh!
Chaidh am post-d seo a chlàradh!
Bathar | SKU | Tuairisgeul | Cruinneachadh | Ri fhaotainn | Seòrsa Bathar | Mion-fhiosrachadh Eile |