Seirbheis teachdaiche 091 234-ELLA
Introducing our stylish and versatile 2 seater sofas, the perfect combination of comfort and aesthetics to elevate any living space. These sofas are designed to offer ample seating for both family and guests, with a Compact yet spacious, the 2-Seater sofa measures H75cm x W155cm x D87cm, making it a perfect fit for any living room.
Whether you're hosting a movie night, enjoying a cozy evening with a book, or entertaining guests, our 2 seater sofas provide the ideal seating solution for any occasion. Embrace the combination of style, comfort, and durability with our exquisite 2 seater sofas in cord fabric, available in a variety of colors to complement your living space perfectly.
Modern and Versatile Design: The 2 seater sofas boast a contemporary design with clean lines, making them a perfect fit for any interior style.
Ample Seating Space: With the 3-seater and 2-seater combination, you can comfortably accommodate family and guests without compromising on comfort.
Premium Cord Fabric Upholstery: Experience luxury and softness with our high-quality cord fabric upholstery, adding an extra layer of sophistication to your living space.
Multiple Color Options: Choose from a wide range of colors to match your personal style and complement your home decor.
Durable and Sturdy Build: Each sofa is constructed with a strong and durable frame, ensuring long-lasting performance and support.
Plush Cushions and Armrests: Sink into the generously padded cushions and enjoy the comfort of plush armrests, creating a cozy retreat for relaxation.
Easy Maintenance: The cord fabric upholstery is easy to clean and maintain, ensuring your sofas look new for years to come.
Perfect for Various Occasions: Whether you're hosting gatherings, watching movies, or simply lounging, these sofas provide the ideal seating solution for all occasions.
Sleek Space-Saving Dimensions: The space-efficient dimensions of the sofas make them suitable for both large living rooms and smaller apartments.
Quality Assurance: Our 2 seater sofas are crafted with attention to detail and undergo strict quality checks to deliver a product that exceeds your expectations.
Seat depth | 55 centimetres |
Seat height | 45 Centimetres |
Weight limit | 200 Kilograms |
Product dimensions | 87D x 155W x 75H centimetres |
Item weight | 60 Kilograms |
This sofa will be delivered within 5 working days depending on stock and Area.
Faodaidh tu a’ mhòr-chuid de stuthan ùra gun fhosgladh a thilleadh taobh a-staigh 30 latha bho lìbhrigeadh airson làn-aisig air ais. Pàighidh sinn cuideachd na cosgaisean luingeis tilleadh ma tha an tilleadh mar thoradh air ar mearachd (fhuair thu rud ceàrr no uireasbhuidh, msaa).
Bu chòir dhut a bhith an dùil an ath-dhìoladh agad fhaighinn taobh a-staigh ceithir seachdainean bho bhith a’ toirt do phacaid don t-seoladair tilleadh, ge-tà, ann an iomadh cùis gheibh thu airgead air ais nas luaithe. Tha an ùine seo a’ toirt a-steach an ùine gluasaid airson gum faigh sinn do thilleadh bhon luingear (5 gu 10 latha gnìomhachais), an ùine a bheir e dhuinn do thilleadh a phròiseasadh aon uair ‘s gum faigh sinn e (3 gu 5 latha gnìomhachais), agus an ùine a bheir e. am banca agad gus an t-iarrtas ath-dhìoladh againn a phròiseasadh (5 gu 10 latha gnìomhachais).
Ma dh’ fheumas tu rud a thilleadh, dìreach log a-steach don chunntas agad, faic an òrdugh a’ cleachdadh a’ cheangail “Complete Orders” fo chlàr Mo Chunntas agus cliog air a’ phutan Tilleadh Rud(an) . Cuiridh sinn fios thugad tro phost-d mun ath-dhìoladh agad aon uair ‘s gu bheil sinn air an rud a thilleas fhaighinn agus a phròiseasadh.
Faodaidh sinn a chuir gu cha mhòr seòladh sam bith san t-saoghal. Thoir an aire gu bheil cuingealachaidhean air cuid de thoraidhean, agus chan urrainnear cuid de thoraidhean a chuir gu cinn-uidhe eadar-nàiseanta.
Nuair a chuireas tu òrdugh, bheir sinn tuairmse air cinn-latha luingeis is lìbhrigidh dhut stèidhichte air na tha ri fhaighinn de na stuthan agad agus na roghainnean luingeis a thaghas tu. A rèir an t-solaraiche luingeis a thaghas tu, faodaidh tuairmsean ceann-latha luingeis nochdadh air duilleag luachan luingeis.
Thoir an aire cuideachd gu bheil na h-ìrean luingeis airson mòran de stuthan a bhios sinn a’ reic stèidhichte air cuideam. Gheibhear cuideam rud sam bith mar sin air an duilleag mion-fhiosrachaidh aige. Gus poileasaidhean nan companaidhean luingeis a bhios sinn a’ cleachdadh a nochdadh, thèid a h-uile cuideam a thoirt suas chun ath not slàn.
Tapadh leibh airson fo-sgrìobhadh!
Chaidh am post-d seo a chlàradh!
Bathar | SKU | Tuairisgeul | Cruinneachadh | Ri fhaotainn | Seòrsa Bathar | Mion-fhiosrachadh Eile |